Hasbara person Senia Waldberg: The Nazis hid their plans to kill the Jews from the world. In Gaza, they write it openly. Nazism on steroids.
Social activist Senia Waldberg, one of the leaders at the civil hasbara front, discusses the hasbara challenges of the war in the south with the co-chairwomen of the Sovereignty Movement, Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar.
“In Gaza, they raise Nazis from the age of zero. I estimate that nearly ninety percent would answer affirmatively if asked in a poll whether they are interested in murdering Jews. A certain percent, as in Nazi Germany, where even there, not everyone agreed, would say no. There are always different opinions, but about ninety percent would say ‘yes’”,
Waldberg is convinced, stating that the assumption is that the average Gazan in the street wants to kill us, and the only question that remains is how far he is willing to go to achieve this goal.
“We are talking about raising Nazis, people with a clear ideology. The Nazis hid their ideology and Hitler hid the death camps. In contrast, the Gazans write openly, in black and white, that they must kill all the Jews, not only in the Land of Israel but in the entire world, and then, they state, they must kill all the infidels, meaning all the Christians and Buddhists as well. In one place it is also written that they must kill Muslims who do not practice Islam as strictly as they believe Muslims should do”.
“Nazism on steroids. That is what they raise in Gaza”, says Waldberg, who views living alongside Gaza as ‘not a victory’, as he defines it. “If we take part of their land, it’s a minor victory”, he says, emphasizing that since the land is the most important thing to the Arabs, victory must come through the land and if Israel withdraws from the Gaza Strip, leaving all the land in their hands, the event will not be seared into their memory as a loss, but as the killing many Jews, since their dead are considered martyrs, part of the ideal.
On the other hand, when the State of Israel expands and increases its hold on land at their expense, it will be considered a loss for them.
When they lose their hold on land, leading to the expansion of the Zionist entity , that is when they are defeated. That would mean another Nakba.
This is what must be anchored in their memory. It is very important to history because in another thirty years, they might think of trying it again, but if this is what is anchored in their consciousness, they might think twice”.
Waldberg emphasizes that his remarks relate to Israeli control over the area rather than foreign control. Only Israeli control will lead to the internalization that the Zionist state has expanded. “Every piece of land that we take from them is a bit more of an Israeli victory”, he says, adding that the more land taken under Israeli control, the greater the victory.
In his opinion, since Israel cannot act without the international backing of its friends, it must explain her position and the situation well, as well as the need for a solution that will include relocating the Gaza population away from here.
“This war did not break out only because Hamas wants to destroy us. I believe that the main reason is that Russia and Iran are pushing it because of the expected agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia, which frightens Iran and Russia more than Israel being strengthened by such an agreement, because Russia has a kind of monopoly over the transfer of gas through its territory from place to place. Peace with Saudi Arabia is expected to allow for another gas pipeline that would connect Europe to the Far East and this is very frightening to Russia and its ally Iran.
Therefore, when they saw that this thing might actually occur, they understood that a war with Hamas would not allow the Saudis to sign an agreement with Israel, because of Saudi internal public opinion.
Senia adds that Biden’s unequivocal support of Israel has caused uncertainty in the Arab world and this is why the al Jazeera network described the deeds committed by Hamas people as un-Islamic and immoral. “This is Saudi Arabia’s signal that they are still interested in the deal. That when the war is over, we will finish the deal and want to begin bringing the alternative gas pipeline via Israel. This is what really frightens Iran and Russia now”.
The West’s interest, explains Senia, is that this gas pipeline will indeed pass through Israel and not through Russia, which knows how to extort the West when it comes to gas. “The West has an interest in not being dependent on the axis of evil, which is Russia, Iran, Hizb’Allah, Hamas, etc. and therefore, they have an interest in the situation here becoming calm, in Hamas, a clear branch of Iran, through which Iran brings chaos to this part of the world, leaving. With Hamas gone, Putin would have much less control of the Palestinian Authority. He would not be able to command Abu Mazen to go to war. Therefore, kicking the Gazans out of here is in the interests of the West and the West’s economy, and I am not talking about the moral interest in kicking the neo-Nazis out of here.”
Therefore, he adds, Israel’s political goal must focus on international hasbara, to make clear to the world’s nations who we are dealing with and how to be victorious over them.
Moreover, he says, Israel must stop funding the curriculum that incites to kill Jews, a curriculum that is also funded by Israel via UNRWA.
In Waldberg’s opinion, Israel’s primary goal must be the removal of Gazans from the Gaza Strip and to do this, Israel must invest a great deal of hasbara resources. The second goal is the identity of the ruler of the area, with the highest preference being that Israel is the one to hold the territory. In his eyes, this should also be the answer on the Lebanese border. “That if Hizb’Allah begins a war with us, their punishment will be that south Lebanon will become Israeli territory. It cannot be that they will begin a war against us and not pay a price in territory. Those days are over. This is punishment that, according to international law, is a totally legitimate punishment.”
To him, as someone who defines himself as a person of faith but not an advocate of Greater Israel, he believes it would be correct to allow the establishment of a state if we were talking about the Swiss, who have no desire to kill their neighbors, but this is not the actual situation. In any case, there can be no incitement to kill Jews and Israelis in the PA Arabs’ educational system. This is simply Nazism and part of the UN tolerates it.
He goes on to express support for the idea that Moshe Feiglin promoted, which is to provide an emigration grant for Arabs who are interested, just so that they would leave the country. Such a step, he says, is not problematic in the sphere of international law, which speaks of voluntary emigration in exchange for payment. “This is a solution that we must try in addition to everything else.
The gas off the coast of Gaza can serve, in part, as compensation to the victims (among us) and some for those who want to leave voluntarily.”
Relating to the U.N. Secretary General, Waldberg mentions that while the organization claims to be protecting the rights of Palestinians, when they are brutally murdered by other Palestinians, by Syrians or Jordanians, no one talks about it. “This doesn’t interest them. Palestinian rights interest them only when Israel is involved. We can no longer remain silent when faced with this phenomenon, but we have no hasbara, while Hamas’ hasbara is winning because they invest in it while we neglect it.”