​Groups from the entire Land are Talking Sovereignty

The vision of sovereignty is arousing interest among groups from all parts of the Land, from all sectors of society and from many different worldviews. Take a peek at a few of our latest meetings.


Especially these days, the Sovereignty Movement is arousing interest and resonating among the people.
At the Oz veGaon preserve, the Sovereignty Movement continues to host young people from all sectors of society and from all parts of the Land. Take a peek at just a few of the latest meetings over the past ten days with a number of pre military mechina students who came for a visit, to hear, to debate and to connect with the joint discourse on the future of the Land.
 Among the pre-military mechinot that came within the past ten days are Hanaton, Yonatan, Nachshon, Be’eri, Tsahali, Nerya, Rabin and the Hashomer New Guard, a branch of Nir Am of the Ayn Parat preparatory school, as well as girls from Ulpanat Ofra, and, in response to a request from members of a parlor group from Ra’anana, the Movement came to them.
 The Sovereignty Movement will continue to hold discussion groups on the vision and its realization, mission and identity, independence and sovereignty. If you also would like to take part in the sovereignty revolution, form a group, get in touch with us and we will meet.
The co-chairwomen of the movement, Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar, emphasize the importance of imbuing the vision of sovereignty within the entire People, especially these days when many, including the American administration, the UN, the European Union and the International Tribunal in Hague, are acting in all possible ways to erode Israel’s sovereignty over the Land of Israel. “These blatant attempts will not weaken us. On the contrary, now we will continue with unabated strength and increased energy to spread the word about the vision of sovereignty and demand its realization”.

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