​The next generation of sovereignty leadership integrates into the work of the Knesset

Led by veterans of the Sovereignty Youth Movement that serve as assistants and advisors to members of Knesset, members of the parliamentary wing of the movement met with several members of Knesset that expressed full commitment to the vision and its implementation.


 A moving meeting was held on Wednesday (July 24th) in the halls of the Knesset between key activists in the Sovereignty Movement and a number of Knesset members that support and promote sovereignty, and no less moving, also with veterans of the Sovereignty Movement who are taking initial steps in the halls of our parliament.
Members from the Sovereignty Youth Movement’s parliamentary wing came to the Knesset for an event organized and led by those who today serve as parliamentary advisors to members of Knesset and in the past were themselves key members of the movement – Yair Buchnik, who served as head of the Sovereignty Youth Movement in the past and today is the parliamentary aid to Ofir Sofer, Minister of Aliyah and Absorption, Oz Zaira, an intern (on a voluntary basis) with Member of Knesset Tzvi Sukkot and Shahar Igus, who interns (on a voluntary basis) with Member of Knesset Ohad Tal.
The group from Sovereignty Youth was led Ahiya Amir, head of the parliamentary wing of the  movement, and the group met with a number of members of Knesset who spoke of their personal and ideological commitment to promote the application of Israeli sovereignty over the entire Land of Israel and of their activity both in and out of the Knesset to implement the process.

The head of the Knesset’s Constitutional Committee, Member of Knesset Simcha Rotman, noted to the activists that these days it is clearer than ever that it is impossible to flee from the Land of Israel, even if there are those who are interested in doing so, and therefore despite the international and other pressures, the response to the harsh reality on the ground and the increase in terror is the application of sovereignty.
Member of Knesset Sharren Haskel noted in her remarks to the youth the daily loss of Israeli sovereignty in the Land of Israel, and this is occurring in all parts of the Land. Faced with this phenomenon, it is vital to promote any step of sovereignty for the sake of future generations.
Member of Knesset Ohad Tal views the slaughter of the seventh of October as an event that, aside from being one of the most traumatic in the People’s history, is also an event that has, hidden within it, a historic opportunity for the People of Israel to do what it must do, meaning to apply full Israeli sovereignty over all parts of the Land of Israel, in Judea and Samaria and Gaza, a step that will lead to true security and peace.
Member of Knesset Dan Illouz believes that the essential picture of victory after the seventh of October is nothing but sovereignty over the Land of Israel, which will prove that “each time they try to harm us it will only deepen our roots of the Land of Israel, which is our Land”.
Member of Knesset Tzvi Sukkot emphasized that the People of Israel was born and its heritage and history were born in Judea and Samaria, long before other areas where the Philistines ruled.  This is why we must apply essential Israeli sovereignty over Judea and Samaria. After the process of applying sovereignty, said Sukkot, all the security issues will be discussed.
Member of Knesset Michal Waldiger views the obligation to apply Israeli sovereignty as a trivial obvious step because of the assertion that the Land of Israel belongs to the People of Israel. It is in this spirit that she calls on the Sovereignty Youth to continue its activity “An in the end, we will do it”, she promised.
Member of Knesset Moshe Solomon views sovereignty over all parts of the Land of Israel as a guarantee of the People of Israel’s security in Israel and the deep understanding that the Bible is the existential foundation of the State of Israel.
Member of Knesset Limor Son Har-Melech also joined those congratulating the members of Sovereignty Youth, praising the activity of the youth until this point and calls on the youth to continue coming the Israeli Knesset, to committee discussions in order to exert influence and present the people in Israel with the need for sovereignty and the continuing harm to Israel’s sovereignty in its Land.
Sovereignty youth Shahar Igus, who interns with Member of Knesset Tal, summarizes thus: “Throughout the discussions, sweeping support was heard for the application of Israeli sovereignty over Judea and Samaria and great support for the youth’s work on the issue. MK Tzvi Sukkot even suggested that the youth write a proposal of law for the application of sovereignty and bring it to Knesset. MK Sharren Haskel expressed support for sovereignty that does not include the Gaza Strip”, he noted. 
Sovereignty Youth Oz Zaira, an intern for Member of Knesset Sukkot, also notes the broad consensus enjoyed by the idea of sovereignty, as things arose in discussions that were held with members of Knesset from both the coalition and the opposition. During the visit, he said “We realized the great importance of sovereignty, we understood how important we, the sovereignty youth, are to the process and how important it is to continue to promote sovereignty in the Knesset as well.  We realized our great significance  to the members of Knesset. This visit gives us the drive to continue and I promise that this is only the beginning.”
Ahiya Amir, head of the parliamentary wing of the Sovereignty Youth movement, also summarizes the visit by saying that the key goal was to tell the members of Knesset of their obligation to the vision of sovereignty and keeping it in the public discourse. “Thank Heaven, we met members of Knesset who are willing to act for sovereignty and want to act. They are with us. We will continue to work with them until we bring about sovereignty.”
The co-chairwomen of the Sovereignty Movement, Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar, view the event as much more than just another activity of the parliamentary wing in Knesset. “The meeting with veterans of the sovereignty youth movement who are already in parliamentary activity in the Knesset, who work out of the offices of members of Knesset and ministers to promote the vision, strengthen the entire movement and all the activists of Sovereignty Youth. We have been saying for quite a while that the next generation of Israeli leadership is taking shape within this movement, and it is happening in front of our eyes. Young people who absorbed, through activities of the movement, the idea and its importance to the People of Israel are becoming leaders in the political field itself as well and they have in store for them a bright future of work for the Land of Israel and the People of Israel.”
The two women also note that among the hundreds of members of Sovereignty Youth scattered throughout the Land one can already identify many others who will continue in this path to lead the entire People to the application of Sovereignty out of complete faith in the righteousness of the path of the people of Israel.

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